The Search for the Lady Agnes

Like many small trading vessels of this time, the “Lady Agnes” had on her bow a beautiful female figurehead, a fine looking representation of St Agnes, the fourth century Roman shepherdess, broken up in 1948 by which time she had already lost her figurehead the last third of this book, chronicles the St Agnes Museum Trust search for this lost carving, and the remarkable series of near misses and lost opportunities, until in the summer of 2001 she was found in private owners on the other side of the World, after years of changing hands she was finally sold at Christies the London Auction house in October 1989 for just over £10,000, the irony is that her first step on the sales ladder was in 1960 when she sold for just £25. This book is full of amazing historic black and white photographs showing “Lady Agnes” over her long and eventful career, many showing the wooden Lady during good and not so good times, both on and off the bow. In “The Search for the Lady Agnes” Roger has been able to piece together the remarkable journey of this iconic image and important part of the St Agnes maritime heritage, and at the same time is generous in his acknowledgement of my own part in this story.

Copies of this book can be bought direct from the museum

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The St Agnes Museum Trust,
Penwinnick Road,
St Agnes,

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